I was just thinking the other day, there's no real track of all the things you've done in AIESEC (no, this isn't really an AIESEC post. Humor me and read on till the end.) except your own memory. Having said that, especially when you've been around as long as I have, and had as many experiences, it suddenly struck me that I might not remember them later on even if they were some crazy ones. So, here goes, I'm going to list all the experiences that I've been through here, that I think are worth mentioning, and also a few of which will be useful for me to remember when I'm re doing my resume!
- Attend a conference with 900 people, comprised of National organizational heads from 112+ countries, and helped organizing an event of that scale.
- Be the bartender at a conference with people from all those countries (It's not about the booze, it never is. What matters is that this translates to about 6 countries a minute conversations)
- Dance a synchronized dance with people from all around the world. Yeah there's no rehearsal. Everyone just lands up at the venue and dances the ENTIRE thing like they've rehearsed it together a million times.