Thursday, November 24, 2011


What defines any person? Just thinking of the question opens up so many tracks of thought. What perspective do you answer from? More importantly, which perspective matters, and to who? Damn funny, it is.

I've been thinking of what defines me as a person, for a lot of reasons. Things in life make you do that some times. When you want to go back to your roots and forget where they are, this question pops up, sub-consciously even. So ultimately, when you ask yourself who you are, is it that you want to know what you really are? Or just what you are in the world's eyes? The distinction between the two views is quite hazy, maybe even non-existent. Do you really care, about who you are, other than what the rest of the world, or at least the people you respect think about you?

A lot of people ask, why give a rat's behind about what anyone else thinks? But then, what's stopping you from treating life like a walk-through? It's that guttural voice you hear in your head telling you you want to make your family and friends proud. Even if you argue that all you want from life is a lot of money so you can relax later in a trippy retirement plan, you WILL need to keep in mind what your peers think of you to get there, unless you're like, Batman.

In an ideal world, none of this stuff would have mattered. Living your life on your own terms, and people respecting you for who you are. But life isn't ideal, by any stretch of imagination. You're judged, you're categorized, and assumptions are made. Even by many people you consider close to you. Hell, those people may have only gotten close to you because of some assumptions and judgments they made about you when you first met them. There's that saying that many of us could use. When you judge a person (if you manage to notice yourself doing this), think of what that judgment says about yourself.
There is not real point to this post. It's just a realization, rather what I think is a realization or part of it, of how the human psyche works. Very inceptionish it gets when you think of it deeper.

The bottom line is, I believe I don't care too much about what random people think. Just the ones that I respect and are close to me. That means that some times I'd rather not have people like that. Life would have been less of an effort. Just chilled, no one to hurt or offend or please. Just personal peace. Now it's the opposite. All that matters, is what others decide their takeback from experiences with you are. Damn annoying. And that is where life's put me at now. Sigh.

Enough Inception. Time for Gojira. Laterr!

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